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Topics: Food, Drink

Working with young people, a team from Northumbria University co-led the HAF Plus research project with three local authorities, including Gateshead Council.

Gateshead teenagers to enjoy a fun filled action packed summer

Together with the Healthy Living Lab at Northumbria University, Gateshead Council identified a poor uptake of teenagers participating in the existing Holiday Activities and Food programme, with attendance figures show that 82% of attendees are 11 years and under and only 18% of attendees being over 12 years.

EXPERT COMMENT: Why food is such a powerful symbol in political protest

EXPERT COMMENT: Why food is such a powerful symbol in political protest

Activists are using food to draw attention to some of today’s most pressing issues. In an article written for The Conversation, Ekaterina Gladkova, Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology at Northumbria University, discusses why food is such a powerful symbol in political protest.

Haskap berries

Haskap berries could hold the key to endurance runners’ success

A recently discovered edible berry has the potential to improve the performance of endurance runners by a potentially game-changing 2%, according to new research at Northumbria University.
The Haskap berry (botanical name Lonicera caerulea) is an edible blue honeysuckle native to the boreal forests and low-lying wet regions of northern hemisphere countries including Canada, Japan and Russia. Th

University students facing food insecurity due to pandemic

University students facing food insecurity due to pandemic

Four out of ten university students have reported they are worried that they will run out of food as they deal with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report. The findings have been submitted to the UK Education Select Committee inquiry into the impact of COVID-19 on education and children’s services.

Inside 'Culina’: the Bioreactor Room

Students reimagine food economy at international Biodesign Challenge Summit

A team of students selected by the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment, a collaborative initiative between Northumbria and Newcastle universities, will be competing as finalists for their biotech-based design project in the Biodesign Challenge Summit 2020, June 15-19.

The researchers taking samples from a Newcastle allotment

Allotment soil is safer than national guidelines suggest

With the rise in popularity of people growing their own fruit and vegetables, it may be surprising to know that many urban allotments have soil with lead levels above UK guidance values. However, new research from Northumbria University suggests that the national soil guidance should be revised as it does not accurately recognise how lead is stored in the soil and transfers to vegetables.

Is being a night owl bad for your health?

Is being a night owl bad for your health?

Night owls may have a higher risk of suffering from heart disease and type 2 diabetes than early risers. In the first ever international review of studies analysing whether being an early riser or a night owl can influence your health, researchers have uncovered a growing body of evidence indicating an increased risk of ill health in people with an evening preference.

Prof. Greta Defeyter with children growing vegetables in an allotment at Bridgewater Primary School holiday club

Research reveals new benefits of school holiday clubs

With the Government’s announcement today (27 July) of a £2 million fund to provide holiday activities for children, newly-published research from Northumbria University, Newcastle has revealed that holiday clubs provide many more benefits for both children and parents than previously believed.

Professor Greta Defeyter, Faculty Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor Strategic Planning & Engagement and Dr Pamela L Graham, a Vice-Chancellor’s Research Fellow

Inquiry into why children are going hungry

Experts on children’s holiday hunger from the Healthy Living Research Lab at Northumbria University, Newcastle have been asked to present to a group of MPs who are leading an inquiry into the issue.

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