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La Hague nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Normandy, France

Molecule modification could improve reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel

The reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel could become safer and more efficient in future after Northumbria University researchers found a way to modify the structure of molecules to remove radioactive materials. The research is published in the influential Chemistry - A European Journal and is described by its editors as being of 'great significance'.

£4m study to investigate if climate change will drive the Antarctic Ice Sheet towards a tipping point

£4m study to investigate if climate change will drive the Antarctic Ice Sheet towards a tipping point

A major £4 million EU-funded study to investigate how changes in Antarctica’s ice sheets and shelves may lead to a large and irreversible rise in global sea level over the coming decades is about to begin. Experts from the UK, Norway, Germany and France will work together to investigate the likelihood of abrupt changes in the movement of ice in the Antarctic region over the next 100 years.

George Clarke speaking at a public lecture at Northumbria University

University and TV architect join forces to develop new homes of the future

The ways that homes are designed and built in the future could be completely transformed, thanks to a new agreement between Northumbria University and the renowned architect, TV presenter and campaigner George Clarke. The University will work with Clarke’s charity, the Ministry of Building Innovation and Education (MOBIE), to drive innovation in designing and delivering homes for the future.

Kay Heslop, second left, with other members of the Northumberland Early Years Professional Network

National win for Early Years Professionals Network

The Northumberland Early Years Professionals Network has won a national award for excellent practice in team development. The network exists to promote best practice in early years across Northumberland. It is run by Northumberland County Council’s Early Year’s Team, in partnership with Northumbria University, with all activities aimed at promoting the best outcomes for children.

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Northumbria University, Newcastle

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United Kingdom