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Northumbria Professor will champion cultural collaborations at online festival

Northumbria Professor will champion cultural collaborations at online festival

Director of Cultural Partnerships at Northumbria University, Professor Katy Shaw, is preparing to speak at the first ever Festival of Cultural Knowledge Exchange, organised by the organisation that works to support collaboration between Higher Education and the UK’s arts and cultural sector.

PBM-Hale™ is a hand-held aerosol collecting device that allows sampling of the lung in a non-invasive way - by patients simply breathing into it.

Breathing new life into disease diagnosis

New research shows 100 per cent effectiveness of an innovative breath sampling device developed by Northumbria University medtech spinout, PulmoBioMed, that could revolutionise diagnosis of a range of diseases, including COVID-19.

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Northumbria University, Newcastle

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NE1 8ST Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom