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Ageing in changing times

Ageing in changing times

Leading experts on ageing from across the world will visit Newcastle for an annual conference focusing on how people are ageing in changing times.

Dealing with learning disabilities

Dealing with learning disabilities

Northumbria University is working in partnership with MENCAP between Monday 15 – Friday 19 June to raise awareness amongst students and staff of how people can be affected by learning disabilities.

Cutting-edge drones put to the temperature test

Cutting-edge drones put to the temperature test

Northumbria University’s state-of-the-art environmental chamber has been used to test how drones respond under extreme temperature conditions for a leading UK drone supplier.

It’s all in the mind as new exhibition uncovers secrets of the brain

It’s all in the mind as new exhibition uncovers secrets of the brain

One of the largest biomedical research charities in the world, the Wellcome Trust, has pledged £650,000 towards a new exhibition opening in 2016 that will tell the story of the brain and how it works, revealing some of its secrets and exploring the techniques scientists use to study it.

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Northumbria University is a research-intensive university that unlocks potential for all, changing lives regionally, nationally and internationally.

Northumbria University, Newcastle

Northumbria University, Newcastle
NE1 8ST Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom