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New national nurse training centre brings major boost for University and North East health sector and wider economy

New national nurse training centre brings major boost for University and North East health sector and wider economy

Up to 7,000 new nurses and midwives per year will complete the final stage of their training at Northumbria University after it was awarded a contract to become one of five national OSCE testing centres.
The University worked in partnership with The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Newcastle City Council to submit the bid for centre status, which will also boost the wider

The P&G led Bioscience for Sustainable Consumer Products (BISCOP) CTP will create an inclusive, collaborative environment for high quality doctoral training. Image ID: Shutterstock 1379063297

Major government funding injection for bioscientists of tomorrow

A new Collaborative Training Partnership (CTP), led by Procter & Gamble and including Northumbria University, has received funding as part of a £22.5m investment from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) to address skill gaps in the UK bioscience industry.

What was once familiar and enjoyable could suddenly become strange and unpleasant.

EXPERT COMMENT: Covid smell loss can have profound effects on your life, from weight change to intimacy barriers

Recent in-depth qualitative research from a team of altered eating and altered smell specialists documents the impact of persistent alterations to taste and smell following Covid-19 infection. Writing for The Conversation, Professor Vincent Deary of Northumbria University, and Dr Duika Burges Watson of Newcastle University, discuss the team's findings, highlighting how Covid smell loss can have

EXPERT COMMENT: Paying with a palm print? We're victims of our own psychology in making privacy decisions

EXPERT COMMENT: Paying with a palm print? We're victims of our own psychology in making privacy decisions

With reports that Amazon is offering customers credit in exchange for using their handprints to pay at Amazon's stores, what are the impacts of using our biometric data for everyday purchases? Professor Pam Briggs, Research Chair in Applied Psychology at Northumbria University, writes for The Conversation, outlining the complex issues involved in giving up your biometric data to another party.

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Northumbria University is a research-intensive university that unlocks potential for all, changing lives regionally, nationally and internationally.

Northumbria University, Newcastle

Northumbria University, Newcastle
NE1 8ST Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom