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The team will develop a computer program to screen mutations for potentially increased transmission and potential immune escape

An ‘early warning system’ for Covid-19 variants

Northumbria University is set to develop new methods for detecting Covid-19 ‘Variants of Concern’ and identifying potential ‘Variants of Interest’ following new funding from the national genome sequencing consortium, COG-UK.

There is a need to better understand what people require at the end of their lives

Vital research for end-of-life care

Academics at Northumbria University, Newcastle, are evaluating Rapid Response Services to improve end-of-life care in new research funded by Marie Curie.

Professor John Dean

Exceptional service medal recognises voluntary work of Northumbria Professor

The Royal Society of Chemistry has bestowed a second major honour on a Northumbria University academic.
Just 12 months after the Royal Society of Chemistry honoured Professor John Dean with an Inspirational Member Award, his outstanding service to the Society has won further recognition.
Professor Dean, of the Department of Applied Sciences, has now been awarded the Royal Society of Chemistr

A Yellow-eyed penguin with her chick

Protecting endangered, Yellow-eyed penguins from fatal infections

A team of researchers, led by Northumbria University, have been working to understand and develop a vaccine for an infection that’s been killing off rare penguins in New Zealand.
Yellow-eyed penguins, locally known as hoiho (Māori name), are one of the world’s rarest species. They are native to New Zealand and its outlying islands. Hoiho breeding pairs have been rapidly declining for over two

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Northumbria University is a research-intensive university that unlocks potential for all, changing lives regionally, nationally and internationally.

Northumbria University, Newcastle

Northumbria University, Newcastle
NE1 8ST Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom