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Making the case for the arts in schools -  L-r  Henna Javed, Sophie Cole and Sam Fairbairn

Making the case for the arts in schools

​Representatives from Northumbria University, Newcastle have been chosen to talk to MPs about the vital role of teaching arts in schools.

Tennis expert - Serena Williams

What makes an expert

A leading psychologist at Northumbria University, Newcastle believes that the human brain is adaptable enough to enable anyone to become an expert if they practice correctly.

Key research appointment at Northumbria

Key research appointment at Northumbria

​Professor Catherine Exley has joined Northumbria as Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation in Health and Life Sciences.

Experts’ pioneering research examines exercise referral schemes

Experts’ pioneering research examines exercise referral schemes

​People who have been referred to exercise referral schemes who smoke, are younger* and have more serious and complex health conditions are more likely to drop out before completing the scheme according to pioneering research carried out by Northumbria University, Newcastle.

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Northumbria University is a research-intensive university that unlocks potential for all, changing lives regionally, nationally and internationally.

Northumbria University, Newcastle

Northumbria University, Newcastle
NE1 8ST Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom