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Global Scotland in the age of Brexit

Global Scotland in the age of Brexit

With Brexit now looming, Northumbria University’s Professor Tanja Bueltmann will explore Scotland’s past and future as a global nation in her lecture Global Scotland in the Age of Brexit: Historical perspectives on the Scottish diaspora and migration.

From l-r: Andrew Richardson, Franz Pancho, Alex Slack, Chang Shi Qian and Lars Erik Holmquist

Bigg Market past and future reflected in design project

Design students from Northumbria University have joined forces with Newcastle Business Improvement District company NE1 Ltd, to create a series of innovative concepts, all designed to attract new audiences to the city’s Bigg Market.

Northumbria graduates Jake Jarratt and Cameron Sharp, who are performing at this year's Elevator Festival

New talent takes to the stage

Six brand new plays, written and performed by a talented new generation of theatre-makers, will take to the stage this week for Live Theatre’s Elevator Festival.

US expertise strengthened with new appointment

US expertise strengthened with new appointment

The ‘special relationship’ between Northumbria University and the United States has been further strengthened with the appointment of a visiting Professor from across the pond.

Remembering and responding on World Aids Day

Remembering and responding on World Aids Day

Staff and students at Northumbria University will mark World AIDS Day by celebrating the life and work of a former academic, and launching two new initiatives aimed at highlighting the challenges faced by those living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

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Northumbria University is a research-intensive university that unlocks potential for all, changing lives regionally, nationally and internationally.

Northumbria University, Newcastle

Northumbria University, Newcastle
NE1 8ST Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom