National planning reforms shaped by Northumbria expert
A leading expert in planning policy at Northumbria University has delivered evidence to help shape the future reform of the National Planning Policy Framework.
A leading expert in planning policy at Northumbria University has delivered evidence to help shape the future reform of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The Department for Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) has awarded £5m of its Cultural Development Fund to help create a new centre for writing and publishing in Newcastle upon Tyne. The centre will develop the next generation of northern writers, become a hub for the publishing industry in the North and be a place where residents of the region can discover their writing potential.
Major improvements could be made to the development and production of mRNA-based vaccines and medicines after a university and industry consortium received funding to investigate how AI and machine learning can speed up manufacturing processes.
A new study reveals insights into cosmic particle accelerators, explaining how collisionless shock waves accelerate electrons to extreme speeds. Combining satellite data and theoretical advancements, researchers address the electron injection problem, enhancing understanding of cosmic ray origins and energy transfer in space.
Dr John Coxon, esteemed member of Northumbria University’s world-leading Solar and Space Physics research group, has been recognised by the Royal Astronomical Society for his work.
Northumbria University researchers have received £3m of funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) to evaluate and support the transformation of services and outcomes across the NHS and care services.
Northumbria University has been ranked as 10th in the UK for environmental and ethical performance in the People & Planet’s University League for 2024/25.
Wearing a red outfit in combat sports has been believed to provide an advantage for athletes, but a new study suggests there is no longer any truth in the claim.
A team of researchers are investigating the impact of retrofitting houses to make them more energy efficient on the health and wellbeing of residents in Newcastle.
A Northumbria University academic who played a key role in bringing breakfast clubs and holiday activities to millions of children across the country has been rewarded for her work in the King’s New Year’s Honours List.
Academics from Northumbria University are part of an international research team which has used data from satellites to track changes in the thickness of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
In response to increasing frequency of extreme heatwaves in Pakistan, an international research initiative has been awarded £2.8 million by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to develop energy-efficient cooling technologies that could save lives and reduce environmental impact.
Northumbria University, Newcastle
NE1 8ST Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom