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Topics: Retail

EXPERT COMMENT: Paying with a palm print? We're victims of our own psychology in making privacy decisions

EXPERT COMMENT: Paying with a palm print? We're victims of our own psychology in making privacy decisions

With reports that Amazon is offering customers credit in exchange for using their handprints to pay at Amazon's stores, what are the impacts of using our biometric data for everyday purchases? Professor Pam Briggs, Research Chair in Applied Psychology at Northumbria University, writes for The Conversation, outlining the complex issues involved in giving up your biometric data to another party.

Northumbria secures funding worth up to £1.9 million to help SMEs and graduate start-ups

Northumbria secures funding worth up to £1.9 million to help SMEs and graduate start-ups

Northumbria University has launched a project that offers a package of financial support and expert advice to SMEs and graduate start-ups, thanks to funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The Northumbria Enterprise and Business Support 2 (NEBS2) also includes a financial contribution to help small businesses employ up to two graduates, typically on 6-month internships p


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