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Authenticity is the key to successfully leading change

Authenticity is the key to successfully leading change

Leaders need to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their impact on others if they are to succeed at managing organisational change, says a Northumbria University, Newcastle academic.

Designer discusses nature-mimicking materials

Designer discusses nature-mimicking materials

A design academic from Northumbria University, Newcastle will share her knowledge on how nature is inspiring intelligent textile development in Barcelona this week.

Prisoner artwork exhibition sparks research

Prisoner artwork exhibition sparks research

A Northumbria criminologist is researching the positive impacts that curating an exhibition of prisoner artwork can have on vulnerable young people in Gateshead.

Changing legal perceptions of mental disorders in defendants

Changing legal perceptions of mental disorders in defendants

The Law Commissioner for England and Wales will join a number of experts at Northumbria University, Newcastle next week to debate the ways in which the criminal justice system recognises mental disorders in defendants.

Pedalling towards better diabetes management

Pedalling towards better diabetes management

Newcastle scientists will be studying the physiological performance of cyclists 1,000 miles away as they tackle a gruelling ride and diabetes at the same time.

A brighter future for solar energy

A brighter future for solar energy

Researchers at Northumbria University are investigating new sunlight-harnessing materials that could help meet the world’s future energy needs.

Over 55s show more stamina in exercise scheme

Over 55s show more stamina in exercise scheme

Research from Northumbria University shows that older participants are more likely to complete exercise on referral programmes than their younger counterparts.

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Northumbria University, Newcastle

Northumbria University, Newcastle
NE1 8ST Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom