Graduate recognised for innovative use of technology
A Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence graduate at Northumbria University, was selected as a finalist and received a commendation at the Digital Technology Leaders Awards.
A Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence graduate at Northumbria University, was selected as a finalist and received a commendation at the Digital Technology Leaders Awards.
The Local Democracy Research Centre has commissioned experts at Northumbria University, led by Dr Kevin Muldoon-Smith, to look at how local government is funded in different countries around the world.
An academic team from Northumbria University has obtained a grant of £40,000 to establish a pioneering immersive wellbeing environment for students – an initiative with potential for nationwide roll-out.
A report by a Northumbria University researcher, detailing policy recommendations to tackle platform governance inequalities in the enforcement of ‘flagging’ and ‘de-platforming’ on social media, has been launched today.
New research funded by the National Institute for Health and Social Care Research (NIHR) and led by Northumbria University has found that a Basic Income scheme could potentially save the NHS tens of billions of pounds.
A report prepared by academics at Northumbria University and supported by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (North East LEP) calls for a nationwide approach to providing careers education in primary schools.
Following over 15 years of collaboration, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK and St. George’s University, Grenada, West Indies, have announced a renewed commitment aimed at delivering exceptional medical education to students worldwide.
Together with the Healthy Living Lab at Northumbria University, Gateshead Council identified a poor uptake of teenagers participating in the existing Holiday Activities and Food programme, with attendance figures show that 82% of attendees are 11 years and under and only 18% of attendees being over 12 years.
Northumbria University students have joined forces with TV architect George Clarke’s MOBIE charity to support a national challenge to find new ways to make homes more energy efficient.
Under the scheme, two groups – 15 people in Jarrow and another 15 in East Finchley, London, will receive £1,600 a month for two years. This will help show if there is a case for a national basic income, or at least more comprehensive UK trials.
Plans from the Greater London Authority to deliver universal free school meals to all primary school children across London next year were welcomed when they were announced. However, a new report by Northumbria University finds that the scheme could result in significant losses in school funding through a drop in pupil premiums.
Story Chair - a collaboration between national charity Changing Lives and Northumbria University - has been facilitated over the last 12 months and involved more than 50 women across Newcastle, Ashington, North Tyneside and Sunderland taking part in an eight-week programme.
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