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Topics: Mental Health

The research project aims to improve routes to the right support and interventions for patients who are frequent callers to the ambulance service.

Research with ambulance service aims to support callers experiencing loneliness

Experts from Northumbria University have joined forces with professionals from the North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) for a research project that aims to inform new guidance for ambulance trusts supporting people who call frequently. Frequent callers can have a combination of complex mental and physical health issues, and may also be experiencing social issues such as loneliness and isolation.

Jacinda Ardern’s resignation as New Zealand prime minister has sparked discussions about burnout and when is the “right time” to leave a job. Photo credit: NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

EXPERT COMMENT: Jacinda Ardern resignation has people wondering when to quit – but that’s the wrong way to think about burnout

As Jacinda Ardern leaves office as New Zealand's outgoing prime minister after citing that she no longer had “enough in the tank”, conversations about workplace burnout continue. In an article written for The Conversation, Anthony Montgomery, Professor in Occupational & Organisational Psychology, explains how thinking of burnout as an individual-level responsibility is missing the bigger picture.

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